Do you own crystal glassware, or have you been looking at glassware and thinking about adding it to your china cabinet? If so, maybe you have a few questions about, what is crystal glassware made of? It's a common question, and it's something that a lot of people don't really know. At Hilltop Pawn, we deal with Waterford crystal and other crystal glassware regularly, so we have learned a little bit about it over the years. If you have questions about crystal glassware or just want an offer on it, we invite you to visit our Virginia Beach pawn and jewelry store, Hilltop Pawn, or give us a call at 757-769-7254.

What is Crystal Glassware Made From?
Crystal glassware is, well, obviously made from glass. However, there are a few things that set it apart. Unlike most other types of glass, crystal glassware is made using lead oxide and other materials. What is the point of this? Well, the lead oxide helps make the glass much more durable. This makes it possible for glassmakers to make thin, dainty-looking glassware that is actually surprisingly durable.
Is Crystal Glassware Valuable in Virginia Beach?
If you have crystal glassware, you might be wondering -- is it valuable? Maybe you don't really remember what you paid for it, or maybe you found it at an estate sale or inherited it. It doesn't matter -- the answer is yes, crystal glassware is, in fact, valuable!
The next question is common -- where can you sell your valuable crystal glassware? The answer is simple in Virginia Beach -- visit Hilltop Pawn. Just as we make top dollar offers on engagement rings, firearms, silver flatware, and other items of value, we also make top dollar offers on crystal glassware.
Where Can I Get Great Deals on Crystal Glassware in Virginia Beach?
Maybe you don't have crystal glassware that you want to sell -- instead, you might be in the market to buy crystal glassware, but you might not be sure of where to buy it. It's true that crystal glassware can be expensive, but if you know where to shop, you can get it for a great deal.
If you're a local here in Virginia Beach, maybe you already know -- Hilltop Pawn is the secret hack to buying high-end items for way less than retail prices. You might have come to us for a great deal on an engagement ring or a Rolex watch, but you can come to us for great deals on other items, too -- like crystal glassware. Come visit us at your convenience, and see what we have in stock.
Ready to buy or sell crystal glassware in Virginia Beach? Visit Hilltop Pawn & Jewelry, and let us help! Looking for deals on crystal glassware and more in Chesapeake? Visit our sister store, Greenbrier Pawn. We'd love to help you at either store!