Quick Summery… Hilltop Pawn Shop sells the same engagement rings and other jewelry that any jewelry store in Virginia Beach Sells. How? We don’t make our jewelry. We buy from people coming into our store to sell jewelry, jewelry they bought, from those stores. Thus our slogan… Same Jewelry Half the Price.
Now the rest of the story, or just save the read and call us now.

Cheap Engagement Rings
When it’s time to look for an Engagement Ring there are lots of options in Virginia Beach and surrounding cities. Every jewelry store sells them and every jewelry store says the same things.
· Huge Selection
· Best Value for Your Money
· Most knowledgeable Staff
· Highest Quality
· Best Jewelry Store in Hampton Roads
You’ve seen all these and far more if you’ve searched around or watched TV. But I can tell you, in the 28 years we’ve been doing this it all comes back to one overriding factor. Price! Now I understand that a quality diamond and a beautiful ring matter, but what I hear more often than anything else is….
I want a quality Diamond and a beautiful ring and I want them cheap.

What Jewelry Buying Customers are Saying
Cheap is the number one word we hear. Afterall, who wants to spend more

money on the same thing? Now I could go on for another 1000+ words but we already covered what matters. So here are the actual things that matter.
· Get the Diamond you want in Quality and Size
· Get the Ring you want in Quality and Size
· Have my engagement ring sized In-store and right now
· And Get it For Cheap
Hilltop Pawn Shop in Virginia Beach
Give us a call if you are shopping for an Engagement Ring, or better yet just stop in and see for yourself why we sell to so many of your friends already. Same Jewelry Half the Price
Best Jewelry Store in Virginia Beach

Looking for a vintage style engagement ring in white gold 2.5 - 3 ct diamonds in the $1000. -$1200. range. Thanks, Steve 757-641-1258