Your local Pawn Shop may be the best Jewelry Store
Your local pawn shop is not only a place that lends cash. They're often one of the most popular sources for buying gold and diamond jewelry and engagement rings for three main reasons.

First: Best Price on Jewelry
Everyone knows pre-owned items are less expensive than brand new. But what many people don't think about is which items are ok to buy used. Having been in the pre-owned business for over 26 years I can tell you some items just don't age well. Think cheaply made electronics for a moment. low quality electronics simply don't travel well. they tend to develope issues after being moved around a lot. However, one of the many things that do travel well is jewelry. Gold is a metal and diamonds are a very hard substance. with the exception of prongs and maybe a thinning shank they change very little over time, even long time. Afterall, diamonds are all millions of years old. As we have said for many years on our commercials... Same Jewelry, Half the Price.
Second: Huge Jewelry Selection
Not only does Hilltop Pawn Shop have a huge selection of jewelry but most pawn shops in nice areas do. You'll find the shops in the nicer areas of your town will ussually specialize in jewelry. What's really unique is the simple fact that these shops don't order jewelry like traditional jewelry stores. As a result you'll find everything in the cases is one of a kind, at least to that store. rarely do you find the same things you'll see in the jewelry store down the street. Additionally, becasue everything is one of a kind the inventiry as a whole is constantly changing. You'll see something new each time you visit. Here at Hilltop Pawn we have a case for new items and of course you can simply ask if there's anything new be cleaned or going through our system of repair that's not case ready yet.

Third: Antique Jewelry Selection
Maybe you can find a sale at a traditional jewelry retailer and maybe they also have a large selection. But if you are interested in unique jewelry or antique engagement rings, there's only one place to shop, your local Pawn Shop. Because these stores don't order from manufacturers they buy items from people who come in to the store. As a result they buy the common item as well as unique and antique. Stop in to your local in a nice area and see if you might be missing the most interesting jewelry store in town, Your Local Pawn Shop.
One of Three
Do you sell men's cluster diamond rings?